The Ready Position

The "Ready Position" is a stance in tennis that allows the player to maintain balance and stability while reacting to the next volley.

It’s also a great metaphor for facing the uncertainties of life.

The basic principles are:

  1. Feet position: Feet should be shoulder-width apart with your weight evenly distributed on both feet.

  2. Knees: Bend your knees slightly to create a lower center of gravity, which enhances stability and allows for quick changes in direction.

  3. Body posture: Keep your body upright and aligned. Don’t lean forward or backward, it can compromise your balance and reaction time.

  4. Arms & hands: Relax your arms, bent at the elbows, with your hands up and in front of your body. This allows you to respond quickly to any incoming action.

  5. Eyes and focus: Keep your eyes on the opponent or the point of action. Maintaining focus will help you anticipate movements and respond faster.

  6. Ready to move: Be light on your feet, ready to move in any direction at a moment's notice. Be prepared to step in any direction as needed.

  7. Relax: Stay relaxed in position. Tension will slow you down and lead to fatigue.

Use the Ready Position as a visual for going into life’s challenges. Try using the checklist before an important meeting.

Douglas Nelson

I’m over fifty and I’ve built a few things. Perhaps my experience can be of service to you when you’re at a crossroads.


